Feb 26, 2010

Brod Burger

This last Wednesday night our friends Chris and Cathy took us to dinner at Brod Burger...it was pretty rad. Brod Burger is located in a red caravan by the lake and it is very popular! Some of it's popularity may be due to the fact that the government is trying to close the place down and people love a cause, especially when it is against 'the man'. I personally don't care....what I do care about is good burgers.
Here is the line outside when we arrived at 8:30, we didn't eat until about 9:45.

When we did get our food it was amazing! But it was to cold to sit by the lake so we sat in the car and ate....when I say cold it was about 15 degrees celsius, homework how cold is that in fahrenheit?

Feb 23, 2010

Sunday Picnic

On Sunday we went on a picnic with our very attractive friends Henry, Tuli and Sophia.
Leslie you will be very proud Caleb made your broccoli salad.

This is Sophia, she is almost 11 months old and she just learnt to walk a couple of weeks ago.

Sorry nothing amazing happened on our picnic.....we ate, swam and lay around in the sun.

Feb 21, 2010

Nanny's Birthday

Friday was my Grandmothers 84th Birthday, so Mum, Simon and I went to visit her and take her to lunch. Nanny lives about two hours north of us in Bowral, which is half way between Canberra and Sydney.
Mum and Nanny on our way to lunch.

Nanny lives in a retirement village which used to be an old school, she has her own house but she gets to have access to a gym, swimming pool, cafe and all sorts of other stuff.....it's pretty posh.
Nanny and Simon.

This picture cracks me up, Nanny has this bike thing that is just pedals....you just sit in a comfy chair and off you go!

Feb 8, 2010

Wedding Expo

As some of you may know I have my own wedding photography business. Yesterday I had my first booth at a wedding expo, very exciting! The day started at 8am with us having to set up our booth, Caleb was very helpful in the department setting up the slide show on the screen behind us. We had a close call when the computer wouldn't work right, Caleb got it working by 9:55am and the expo opened at 10am.

This is our booth and the lovely lady sitting next to me is my friend Tuli, she is my number 2 photographer and the very large screen behind us was provided by her husband and his work.

Our passes so we could get in for free.


business cards.

Overall it was a really long day and I talked to lots of brides, 100's of them!

Feb 6, 2010

Chris' Birthday

Today is our good friend Chris' birthday, he turned 24. His lovely girlfriend Cathy organized a day of fun to celebrate! We began the day at 10am meeting at a local cafe for brunch with about 13 friends.
Then at 12:30 we drove out to "The Cotter" to go blackberry picking with about 7 of us. Now blackberry picking may sound relaxing but it can be quite dangerous.....why dangerous you ask?Well many of the blackberry bushes are sprayed with poison by local rangers to stop them over growing everything, so you really eat them at your own risk. But Cathy being the good girlfriend she is went out a couple of days before and tested the blackberries in this area so we wouldn't get sick.
Caleb, Chris and Cathy very excited to start picking berries!

By 1:45 we had picked a lot of berries and we were starting to get hot. So the 7 of us moved down to the river for some swimming and eating.
By 2:45 it was just the 4 of us Chris, Cathy, Caleb and Camanda. We grilled and hung out until about 5:30 when Chris and Cathy had to leave to go to a family dinner.
I finished my day by napping in the shade while the others swam, this is my view from my 'napping bench'

Feb 5, 2010

Our House

Many of you have expressed interest in seeing our house, so here are some photos for you.
family room

family room (the other side)





Copyright 2009 Shaming The Thorsons