Aug 20, 2010

New Phone

Once again I've been getting behind on my blogging, one day I'll be a lady of leisure and I'll have time to blog all day long....I'm thinking that should happen in about 40 years. I'm pretty excited about that.

We have been pretty busy lately with work and friends. Caleb and I have been trying new restaurants every couple of weeks. I'll have to start telling you about our dining experiences. Tonight we are going out with Hen & Tuli for Caleb's birthday and we are going to try Kingsley's Steakhouse. Caleb is excited.

A couple of weeks ago something very important happened, the iphone 4 came out in Australia. And of course who wanted one the day it came out?

This young man did. I had a gig the night before and was up very late....but still Caleb woke me up at 4:30am....I told him to go away. He woke me up at 5:30am and me being the caring wife I am got up and drove to mall with him to line up. We were the second in line.
Now you may ask "why Amanda did you have to go?", well my name is on the contract so I was the only on who could change over our plan....awesome.

Here are some pictures of Caleb with his new phone, it has a strong flash.

It's now the start of the wedding season so I'm getting pretty busy...above is a picture Tuli took of me at a wedding we did a couple of weeks ago, I thought it was funny.

Copyright 2009 Shaming The Thorsons